We accept SNAP/EBT at the Brookline Farmers’ Market!
There are two ways to use your SNAP/EBT card at our market:
1) Use your SNAP card to get HIP (Healthy Incentives Program)
Pay with your SNAP/EBT card directly at these 4 farms to receive the HIP benefit:
Dick’s Market Garden - Stillman’s Farm - Kimball Fruit Farm - Nicewicz Farms
These 5 farms are our only vendors who accept HIP
What is HIP?
HIP stands for Healthy Incentives Program. It is a state run program that gives SNAP card holders extra money for fresh produce.
If you have a SNAP/EBT card you automatically have HIP. Use your SNAP card to spend your HIP money.
HIP money can only be used at farm vendors selling fresh produce. Not all farms have the machines to accept it, but many do.
You get $40 of HIP money each month.
HIP does not affect your normal SNAP balance. It does not transfer to the next month.
HIP works by replacing your SNAP money as you spend it. It is replaced immediately, up to the amount of $40.
For an example of how HIP works at our market, scroll to the bottom of this page.
2) Use your SNAP card to get tokens
Use our SNAP tokens to spend your SNAP/EBT money at any vendor who cannot accept your SNAP card directly.
* This would be any vendor not selling produce. So if you want jam, bread, fish, meat, pasta, cheese, etc, this is for you. *
All of our food vendors accept SNAP tokens
You will not receive the HIP benefit when you use tokens
Our SNAP tokens are only redeemable at the Brookline Farmers’ Market. They can’t be used at other markets.
Tokens are worth $2 each. No change is provided for tokens.
To get tokens, visit the green Market Info tent at the front.
The market staff will charge your SNAP card for the amount you want to spend and will give you that same amount in SNAP tokens.
We cannot refund you for your SNAP tokens - but don’t worry, our tokens do not expire. They are good for the whole season!
SNAP/EBT and HIP are both run by the DTA (Department of Transitional Assistance).
Our SNAP Token System is run by the Brookline Farmers’ Market.
To get your HIP benefits you must use your SNAP/EBT card DIRECTLY at the 4 participating farms. You will not receive the HIP benefit when you use our SNAP tokens.
Our market staff and vendors CANNOT help you with questions about your SNAP/EBT accounts or cards.
For any problems with your SNAP/EBT cards please call the Department of Transitional Assistance at 1-877-382-2363
Example of how to HIP works at our market:
You have $100 on your SNAP card (ie. your balance = $100)
You have not used any HIP money yet this month
You use your SNAP card to buy $20 of potatoes from one of our farms who accept HIP
They give you a receipt. It says your SNAP balance is still $100!
Below your balance it says “HIP MTD: $20.00”
This means your SNAP money was replaced by $20 of HIP money right away.
The “HIP MTD” means HIP Money To Date. This tells you how much HIP money you have used this month.
If you have a HIP MTD of $20, that means you have $20 left to use for the rest of the month.
After you have used all of your HIP money up, you can still use your SNAP card at vendors who accept it, but the money will not be replaced on your account. To use HIP money again, you will have to wait until the next month for another $40.
SNAP/EBT Benefits Outside of the Farmers Market
There are many attractions, theatres, museums, and more all around Massachusetts that offer a significant discount to SNAP/EBT cardholders. Check out this link to the “EBT Card to Culture” page of the for a complete list of all the participating organizations:
More Questions about HIP or SNAP?
Please call Project Bread, 1-800-645-8333. Hotline is available in multiple languages Monday- Friday 8 AM-7PM and Saturday 10AM-2PM.
For more information please visit these links: